: Galleries
12.3.24 English, by Miss Fagan
12.1.24 Art, by Miss Fagan
28.2.24 Tennis, by Miss Fagan
French - Carnival, by Miss Gaskill
PSHE - Healthy Diet, by Miss Gaskill
DT - Photo Frames, by Miss Gaskill
RE - Key Teaching of the Bible, by Miss Gaskill
Maths - Dividing with an Exhange, by Miss Gaskill
RE - How the Bible is Organsied, by Miss Gaskill
27.9.23 Anglo Saxons History, by Miss Fagan
Maths - Multiplying 2 digit by 1 digit numbers without an exchange, by Miss Gaskill
17.01.24 Can I discuss my understanding at The Island and make comparisons with other texts?, by Mr Johnson
16.01.24 (Science) Macintosh, by Miss Wood
(15.01.24) English- A visit from a dragon!, by Miss Wood
English - Travel Webpage Hook, by Miss Gaskill
10.01.24 - Can I infer a character’s feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions?, by Mr Johnson
PSHE - Learner Strengths, by Miss Gaskill
PSHE - Dreams and Goals, by Miss Gaskill
Geography - Using an Atlas, by Miss Gaskill
18.12.23 Can I construct a shelter?, by Mr Johnson
4.12.23 Can I identify features of a setting description?, by Mr Johnson
English - Sentence Openers, by Miss Gaskill