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Our Governors

Governors are volunteers who work closely with the Head teacher and the school’s senior leadership team to ensure that the school provides the best possible education for all children. Governors are generally parents, professionals and members of the community from all backgrounds, who bring varied skills and experience to support the leadership of the school.

The Governing Body focuses on three core functions:

  • To ensure the school has a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • To hold the Head teacher to account for the school’s educational performance, and the performance management of staff.
  • To oversee the financial performance of the school and ensure its money is well spent.

The Governors do not get involved in the day to day running of the school or in how the school is managed, but are there as support to the Head Teacher and senior leaders in promoting high standards of education, welfare and wellbeing of all our pupils.

We work as a team alongside the Head Teacher and senior leaders to promote and support the success of the school. We act as a “Critical Friend” helping to ensure high standards are maintained and that all of our children remain happy and healthy whilst making outstanding educational progress.

The Governors meet on a regular basis in the form of two committees focussing on the curriculum, school development, admissions, finance, safeguarding, personnel and premises. The full Governing Body meets each term to discuss outstanding issues from the committees and to receive feedback from the Head Teacher and senior leaders regarding the progress of the school.

In addition to this, individual Governors are linked with various aspects of the work of the school and meet periodically with school staff to monitor and promote progress towards targets. Whenever possible, Governors support staff and pupils by attending the many events that take place during the course of the year.

Full List of Governing Body Membership

  Governor Type Name and Contact Details Term End Date
  Clerk One Education  
Chair Smyth Harper
Head Teacher

Rachael Farnell-Hill

  Local Authority Governor

Dharmila Khimani

  Parent Governor

Ashley Wooles

  Parent Governor

Dawn Pearson


Staff Governor



Associate Governor
Deputy Head Teacher

Rachael Hawcroft


Associate Governor
Deputy Head Teacher

Andy Morris


Associate Governor
Deputy Head Teacher

Julie McKeever


Committee Membership

Finance and Facilities Committee Pupils, People and Performance Committee

Dharmila Khimani - Chair

Rachael Farnell-Hill

Andy Morris

Kim Nickson

Smyth Harper

Ashley Wooles


Rachael Farnell-Hill

Julie McKeever

Rachael Hawcroft

Smyth Harper

Dawn Pearson



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Find Us:

Pike Fold Primary School

Old Market Street, Blackley, M9 8QP

0161 702 3669

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