Year 2P 2024 - 2025
Mrs McDonald
Teacher: Mrs McDonald
Teaching Assistants: Miss Jones
1-1 Support Assistants: Miss Torkoniak and Miss McCormick
Things to remember:
Homework: Times tables and a spelling activity will be sent home on a Thursday to be returned the following Tuesday.
Spellings: This year we want all children to be secure in spelling the year 1 and 2 common exception words. We will send them out regualrly.
Reading books: Sent home every Thursday, to be returned the following Tuesday. Your child will bring home:
A guided reading book which they will have been reading with an adult throughout the week in school - they will have a duplicate to read in school.
A phonics book (easy reader) which they should be able to read independently.
A library book which is for chosen by your child for enjoyment. Please can you read this with your child.
Planners: Please record comments about your child's reading each night in the reading achievements section. Complete for all three books. Staff with stamp to show your child has read in school and I have checked the planner. If you need any help with this, please ask.
P.E. Indoor PE is every Monday and outdoor PE is every Thursday. Please ensure your child has the correct kit in school everyday, including appropriate footwear.
Kit is: black shorts, yellow/white t-shirt, outside trainers, outside black joggin bottoms
Any questions are welcome. Please contact Mrs McDonald via class dojo or the school office.
Thank you!!
Files to Download
Year 2P: Events items
Uniform Shop 3.15-4.15, by Miss Howell
October Half Term Holidays, by Mrs Lees
Uniform shop 3.15-4.15, by Miss Howell