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Our Staff

Senior Leadership Team

Headteacher – Mrs R. Farnell-Hill

Deputy Headteacher & Early Years Foundation Stage & KS1 Lead – Miss R. Hawcroft

Deputy Headteacher &  Inclusion Manager (SENCo) – Mrs J. McKeever

Deputy Headteacher &  KS2 Lead - Mr A. Morris

Assistant Headteacher - Mr R. Graham

School Business Manager – Miss K. Nickson


Miss R. Hawcroft – EYFS Lead

Miss C. Weaver – Reception Teacher

Mr T Marler – Reception Teacher

Miss K. Morgan – Nursery Teacher

Miss E. Faram - Teaching Assistant

Miss J. Coyne - Teaching Assistant

Miss K. Dumville - Teaching Assistant

Miss C. Dumville - Teaching Assistant

Miss A. Brierley - Teaching Assistant

Miss T. Clarke - Teaching Assistant

Mrs S. Jawaid - SEND Teaching Assistant

Key Stage One Team

Miss R. Hawcroft– Key Stage 1 Lead

Miss M. Casey - Year 1 Teacher

Mrs Z. Lovatt-Copper  - Year 1 Teacher

Mrs C. McDonald - Year 2P Teacher

Mrs R. Doran - Year 2F Teacher

Mrs T. Clarke - Teaching Assistant

Miss S. Armistead - Teaching Assistant

Miss K. Jones - Teaching Assistant

Miss K. Starkie - Teaching Assistant

Miss J. Jones - SEND Teaching Assistant

Miss L. Dunn - SEND Teaching Assistant

Miss C. Torkoniak - SEND Teaching Assistant

Miss D. McCormick-Greene - SEND Teaching Assistant

Lower Key Stage Two Team

Mr A. Morris – Key Stage 2 Lead

Miss L. Gaskill - Year 3P Teacher

Mrs L. Fagan – Year 3F Teacher

Miss L. Wood - Year 4P Teacher

Mrs E. Westerby - Year 4F Teacher

Miss S. Bowker- Teaching Assistant

Mr S. Reece - Teaching Assistant

Mr S. Butterworth - Teaching Assistant

Miss C. Whaley - Teaching Assistant

Miss R. Walker - Teaching Assistant

Miss J. Frances - Teaching Assistant

Miss L. Asprey - SEND Teaching Assisant

Mrs M. Mitchell - SEND Teaching Assistant

Upper Key Stage Two Team

Mr A. Morris –  Key Stage 2 Lead

Miss V. Stringfellow- Year 5P Teacher

Mr R. Young - Year 5F Teacher

Mr D. Pitts - Year 6P Teacher

Mr R. Graham - Year 6F Teacher

Miss J Taylor – Teaching Assistant

Miss K. Lees - Teaching Assistant

Mrs H. Phelan – Teaching Assistant

Miss J. Frances - Teaching Assistant

Miss L. Dunn - Teaching Assistant

Miss D. Ollerenshaw - SEND Teaching Assistant

Resourced Provision Team

Mrs J. McKeever - RP Lead

Mrs L. Heywood – Teaching Assistant

Mrs J. Eagers – Teaching Assistant

Mrs D. Graham - Teaching Assistant

Miss L. Curtin - Teaching Assistant

Administrative Team

Miss K. Nickson - School Business Manager

Mrs J. Lees - Admin Manager L2

Miss J. Howell - Admin Officer

Senior Safeguarding, Admissions and Attendance Officer

Mrs J. Stevenson

Special Educational Needs/Inclusion
Mrs J. McKeever - SENCo

Mrs T. Hardy - Speech and Language Lead

Site Manager 

Mr. D. Leach- Site Manager


Our team is complemented by our kitchen and cleaning staff.


Pike Fold Primary School is proud to be a Mindful Employer!



Mindful Employer Logo






We are a mindful employer!

Pike Fold Primary School recognise that, in the UK, people experiencing mental ill health continue to report stigma and discrimination. We are committed to creating a supportive and open culture, where colleagues are able to talk about mental health.  We are also committed to ensuring that our employees feel safe in disclosing any mental health conditions and confident that they will be properly supported and offered reasonable adjustments when required.

As an employer we are committed to:

  • Providing non-judgemental and proactive support to individual staff who experience mental ill health
  • Not make assumptions that a person with a mental health condition will be more vulnerable to workplace stress or take more time off than any other employee or job applicant.
  • Showing positive and enabling attitudes to all employees and job applicants with a mental health condition. This will include positive statements in local recruitment literature.
  • Ensuring all line managers have access to information and training about managing mental health in the workplace.
  • Ensuring that all staff involved in recruitment and selection are briefed on mental health conditions and The Equality Act 2010, and given appropriate interview skills. Make it clear in any recruitment or occupational health check that people who have experienced mental ill health will not be discriminated against and that disclosure of a mental health problem will enable both employee and employer to assess and provide the right level of support or adjustment.

The Schools Mental Health Champion is

Kim Nickson – School Business Manager

Who can you speak to?

The schools Mental Health Champion is the first point of contact for all employees within Pike Fold.

However, if you feel more comfortable speaking with your line manager or another member of SLT please do so.  Line managers and SLT information is listed below:

Head Teacher – All staff

Julie McKeever – 1:1 staff and ARC staff

Andy Morris – KS2 staff

Rachael Hawcroft – KS1 & EYFS staff

Kim Nickson – All support staff including TA’s, cleaners, LO’s, ASC team, Admin team

Find Us:

Pike Fold Primary School

Old Market Street, Blackley, M9 8QP

0161 702 3669

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