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Christmas workshop

Lesson: Religious education

Today 3F attended St. Peter's and St. Pauls church to take part in a Christmas workshop.  We were split into 5 groups and worked our way around different activities that told us all about Christmas and why it is important to Christian people.

Some of the activities included listening to the story of how Jesus and Mary travelled all the way from Nasareth to Jerusalem.  They travelled by donkey and covered the same distance as we would if we went from Manchester to Blackpool!  We also lit candles for advent and visited Mary's house.  

We had a great time at the workshop and are very grateful that we were invited to find out about lots of interesting things!

Here are some of the things that the boys and girls in our class learned today:

I learned that Christmas is about giving, not receiving (Millie)


I learned that the three wise men all brought presents and they all had a meaning (Cherry)


The shepherds left the sheep behind because they were so excited about the birth of baby Jesus (Jack)


Mary and Joseph travelled all the way to Bethlehem on a donkey (Melissa)


Jesus was going to take over the job of King (Finlay)


I learned that Mary was making bread in a kitchen one day and the angel came (Holly)


We pinched some salt and popped it in with some flour to get rid of our worries (Josh)


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