Year 3P: Galleries
8.10.2024, by Miss Fagan
History - Oracy Lesson, by Miss Gaskill
English - Planning, by Miss Gaskill
RE - Describing Allah, by Miss Gaskill
Science - Weathering, by Miss Gaskill
History- Anglo-Saxons, by Mrs Westerby
English - Using Inverted Commas, by Miss Gaskill
PSHE - Facing Challenges, by Miss Gaskill
Maths - Can I represent numbers to 100?, by Miss Gaskill
Maths - Using Tables to Display Data, by Miss Gaskill
English - Imperative Verbs, by Miss Gaskill
Art - Mosaics, by Miss Gaskill
Maths - Worded Money Problems, by Miss Gaskill
English - Roman Explanation Text Hook, by Miss Gaskill
Maths - Adding Money, by Miss Gaskill
PSHE - Conflict, by Miss Gaskill
Maths - Finding Fractions of Amounts, by Miss Gaskill
English - Diary, by Miss Gaskill
Science - Reflection, by Miss Gaskill
DT - Sculptures, by Miss Gaskill
French - Carnival, by Miss Gaskill
PSHE - Healthy Diet, by Miss Gaskill
DT - Photo Frames, by Miss Gaskill
RE - Key Teaching of the Bible, by Miss Gaskill
Maths - Dividing with an Exhange, by Miss Gaskill